Dairy Cattle:  John Adamson      
Beef Cattle:  David Baillie Jnr. and Willie Purdon     

Clydesdale Horses:  Mary Gibb  

Any Other Continental Breed and Beltex:  Allan Taylor    
Blackface:  Alan Smith  
Blue Faced Leicester:  
Border Leicester and Down:  Mary Gibb      
Breeding Sheep and Prime Sheep:  Mark Graham    
Native and Rare or Primitive:  David Robertson    
Texel:  Iain Struthers and Robert Struthers     


Dairy Cattle:  Jack Brewster  

Beef Cattle:  Stuart Coubrough and Scott Lindsay   

Clydesdale Horses:  Douglas Carruthers    

Any Other Continental Breed and Beltex:  Archie Hamilton      
Blackface:  Alex Allison  
Bluefaced Leicester and Breeding Sheep:  Corrie Brewster  
Border Leicester, Down and Prime Sheep:  Mark Graham   
Cheviot:  Ailie Tucker
Fleece on the Hoof, Native and Rare or Primitive:  Gordon Johnston    
Texel:  Margaret Struthers and Alex Young    
Young Handlers:  Mary Gibb and Carol Wood 

Sheep Interbreed:  Mary Gibb  

Champion of Champions:  John Adamson  

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